( +254) 790 870 892 | (+254) 743 240 221 Info@skyextratravel.com
( +254) 790 870 892 | (+254) 743 240 221 Info@skyextratravel.com

Leave us your info

The first step is to inform us about what you want to see and do and what you expect to get out of your safari, in as much detail as possible. We will provide you with many options from this initial feedback and start creating an itinerary together.

    Our Address

    Serengeti Homes, 3rd Floor, Bongo 3A,
    Ngong Rd, Nairobi.

    • Info@skyextratravel.com
    • skyextratravel@gmail.com
    • ( +254) 790 870 892
    • (+254) 743 240 221
